Socialization improves adherence but not strength in physical exercise programs with a strength training component in older people

  • José María Cancela HealthyFit Group. Galicia Sur Health Research Institute. SERGAS-UVIGO. Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. Universities of Vigo. Spain.
  • María Helena Vila HealthyFit Group. Galicia Sur Health Research Institute. SERGAS-UVIGO. Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. Universities of Vigo. Spain.
  • Miguel Adriano Sánchez-Lastra HealthyFit Group. Galicia Sur Health Research Institute. SERGAS-UVIGO. Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. Universities of Vigo. Spain.
  • Silvia Varela Marínez Departamento de didácticas Especiais. Universidade de Vigo
Keywords: Ejercicio físico, Fuerza, Personas mayores, Adherencia, Barreras Physical exercise, Strength, Older people, Adherence, Barriers Exercício físico, Força, Adesão ao idoso, Barreiras


Objective: To evaluate the effects on adherence and functional independence of performing two exercise programs with a strength training component, one of individual and one of collective exercises.

Method: Seventy-four men and women (60-90 years old) participated in two exercise programs, strength training and multicomponent training, one where exercises were performed individually and the other in pairs respectively. Adherence to the programs and upper and lower body strength, functional mobility and cardiorespiratory capacity were assessed before and after the programs.

Results: Adherence was lower in the individual strength program (57.6%; 7 losses) than in the collective strength program (83.7%; 2 losses). Significant improvements were found in the individual exercise program in the strength and functional mobility and significant worsening in the exercise program in pairs.

Conclusion: Conducting collective strength exercises encouraged adherence to the program but did not translate into significant benefits, compared to the individual strength group.
