Effect of continuous versus fractionated passive static stretching exercise on muscle strength

  • S Barbosa-Netto Department of Physical Education and Sport (NUPAFISE). Federal University of Sergipe. Brazil.
  • MB Almeida Department of Physical Education and Sport (NUPAFISE). Federal University of Sergipe. Brazil.
Keywords: Entrenamiento de Fuerza, Estiramiento estático, Tiempo de duración Resistance exercise, Static exercise, Duration time Exercício de força, Alongamento estático, Tempo de duração


Objective: To verify the effect of passive static stretching exercise, performed under two protocols (fractionated versus continuous) with the same duration, over the maximum number of repetitions with the weight normally used in training sessions for ten repetitions on the bench press.
Method: A group of 16 trained and asymptomatic men (age: 23.4 ± 2.8 years, body mass: 81.8 ± 10.4 kg, height: 178.7 ± 2.6 cm) that underwent both the fractionated and the continuous protocols. In order to analyze the stretching exercise effects over the capacity to produce strength, ANOVA was used for the repeated measurements with Bonferroni's post‐hoc test.
Results: There was no decrease in performance on the test of maximum repetitios regardless of the tested situation (p = 0.842). In all protocols, individuals performed an average of 17 maximum repetitions (standard deviation ranging between 2.9 and 3.6 maximum repetitions), with no difference between them.
Conclusions: Performing a passive static stretching exercise during 60s, either fractionated or continuous, does not reduce the performance on the test of maximum repetitions in relation to the condition without previous stretch.