Planning and monitoring the training load during the competitive period in basketball

  • A. F. S. Arruda Departamento de Esporte. Escola de Educação Física e Esporte. Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo. Brasil.
  • M. S. Aoki Grupo de Pesquisa em Adaptações Biológicas ao Exercício Físico. Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades. Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo. Brasil.
  • C. G. Freitas Departamento de Esporte. Escola de Educação Física e Esporte. Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo. Brasil.
  • A. Coutts School of Leisure, Tourism and Sport. University of Technology Sydney. Lindfield. Australia.
  • A. Moreira Departamento de Esporte. Escola de Educação Física e Esporte. Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo. Brasil.
Keywords: Deportes colectivos, Percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo, Planificación, Entrenamiento Session-RPE, Basketball, Sports training, Internal training load Esportes coletivos, Percepção subjetiva de esforço, Planejamento, Treinamento



This study aimed to examine the relationships between the difficulty of the matches (difficulty scheduled at the beginning of the season [DBS] and the in-season match difficulty [DIS]) and the weekly internal training load (ITL) in twelve professional male basketball players (25.3 ± 4.8 years, 97.6 ± 14.9 kg, and 195.8 ± 10.2 cm) during a in-season period. DBS was determined before the commencement of the competitive season, and DIS due to reassessing DBS on a weekly basis. ITL was determined by means of session-RPE method. Significant correlations (p < 0.05) were verified between DBS and DIS (r = 0.86), DBS and ITL (- 0.59), and DIS and ITL (- 0.65). The greater coefficient of relationship between DIS and ITL suggest a key role of reassessing the difficulty of the matches on a weekly basis to provide appropriate information to coaches regard planning and monitoring in-season training loads.

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