Exercise-induced oxidative stress

  • JM. Fernández Unidad de Lípidos y Arteriosclerosis. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Córdoba. España.
  • ME. Da Silva-Grigoletto Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte. Córdoba. España.
  • I. Túnez-Fiñana Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Córdoba. España.
Keywords: Especies reactivas de oxígeno, Estrés oxidativo, Ejercicio físico, Músculo Reactive oxygen species, Oxidative stress, Exercise, Skeletal muscle Espécies reativas de oxigênio, Estresse oxidativo, Exercício físico, Músculo


Free radicals are extremely reactive compounds that are produced as a result of the metabolic activity of the cells in the biological systems. Both aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise provoke an increase in the production of different free radicals. Some levels of these oxidant compounds exert positive effects on the body¿s immune functions, on tissue turnover and on cellular resistance and even on the muscle contraction itself and adaptation to systemic stress. However, physical exercise and the different factors associated to it as well as climate conditions where they are practiced and some dietary and supplementation habits may precipitate an unbalance between the production of the free radicals and antioxidant defense mechanisms of the body. These may provoke different molecular damage, seen through the different biological markers of molecular damage on lipids, proteins and DNA. This revision aims to analyze critically the recently findings on oxidative stress, its main biological effects and its relationship with physical exercise and diet
