
Correlation between software and traditional method in kineanthropometric application

  • R. J. Nodari-Júnior Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina. Joaçaba. Santa Catarina. Brasil.
  • A. Heberle Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina. Joaçaba. Santa Catarina. Brasil.
  • R. Ferreira-Emygdio Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro. Universidade Estácio de Sá. Río de Janeiro. Brasil.
  • M. Irany Knackfuss Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal Rio Grande do Norte. Brasil.
Keywords: Dermatografía, Software, Antropometría Dermatoglyphics, Software validation, Kinanthropometric Dermatografia, Software, Antropometria



Objective. To correlate the traditional method and a computerized system of dermatoglyphic analysis.

Methods. Sample of 15 individuals, with two investigators using two methods for each sample. The protocol by Cummins and Midlo was used with the following methods: computerized (M1) and traditional (M2). Pearson's correlation was used to observe the correlation between a computerized system and the traditional system. Student's paired t-test was used to evaluate the reproducibility of both methods, with the aim to compare the internal variations based on two measurements obtained by two investigators for the same observation.

Results. M1 had a greater quantitative capacity for identifying the number of lines. M1 was more efficient, with a higher level of positivity. There was no significant difference between the intra- (M1 and M2) and inter-investigator (investigator 1 versus investigator 2) observations, demonstrating the reproducibility and reliability capacity of M1. There were significant differences between the mean values of the squares of the inter-investigator differences (the amplitude of M2 was 4 times greater).

Conclusion. These results significantly correlate the computerized and traditional methods, which qualifies M1 as the instrument for the capture, structuration of the design and analysis of the digital fingerprints through a dermatoglyphic method using the digital fingerprint marker, which is the essential condition to acceptance and scientific recognition of new instruments.
