Flexibility training

Stretching techniques

  • F. Ayala ISEN, centro adscripto a la Universidad de Murcia. Universidad de Murcia. Murcia. España.
  • P. Sainz de Baranda Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha. Toledo. España.
  • A. Cejudo Centro Deportivo INACUA-Murcia. Murcia. España.
Keywords: Estiramiento estático, Estiramiento dinámico, Estiramiento balístico, Facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva, Rutinas de estiramiento, Rango de movimiento Static stretching, Dynamic stretching, Ballistic stretching, Propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, Stretching routines, Range of motion Alongamento estático, Alongamento dinâmico, Alongamento balístico, Facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva, Rotinas de alongamento, Amplitude de movimento


The systematic performance of stretching routines is very common in clinic and sport setting with the main purpose of maintain or improve the range of movement in a joint or group of joints. In addition, stretching seems to be an indicate way for the care, prevention and maintenance of the abilities of each individual or for their development. Not all stretches are performed in the same way or seek the same objective. Depending on the context (rehabilitation, warm-up, cool down, specific sessions), the application of one of those techniques will be more appropriate to achieve the objectives. Thus, it is vital that clinicians, coaches, physical trainers and other members of the physical activity and sport setting know the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each stretching technique existing in the literature. However, the terms used in the scientific literature to describe the different stretching techniques are confuses due mainly that clinicians and researches used different concepts for describing the same phenom. Therefore, the main purposes of this manuscript were: a) to describe the more common stretching techniques present in the scientific literature; and b) to analyze the current scientific literature regarding to what stretching techniques are more effectives for improving flexibility.
