Interrater and intrarater reliability of the Postural Assessment Software (PAS/SAPO): a systematic review

  • Tania García Remeseiro Department of Special Didactics. Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. University of Vigo. Institute of Health Research Galicia Sur (IISGS). Spain.
  • Águeda Gutiérrez-Sánchez Department of Special Didactics. Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. University of Vigo. Institute of Health Research Galicia Sur (IISGS). Spain.
  • Diego Alonso-Fernández Department of Special Didactics. Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. University of Vigo. Institute of Health Research Galicia Sur (IISGS). Spain.
Keywords: Sistemas informáticos, Bases datos bibliográficas, Variación observador, Postura, Fotogrametría, Reproducubilidad, Software Computer Systems, Databases bibliographic, Observer variation, Posture, Photogrammetry, Reproducibility, Software Sistemas computacionais, Bases de dados bibliográficas, Variação de observador, Postura, Fotogrametria, Reprodutibilidade, Software


The objective of this study was to examine the interrater and intrarater reliability using the postural assessment software (PAS/SAPO) through a systematic review of the literature. An electronic and manual search was carried out in the following bibliographic databases: Cochrane, MEDLINE, PEDro, Web of Science, Scopus and IME. The search was conducted from February to May 2016, combining the following search terms: [(SAPO AND posture*) OR (SAPO AND reliability*) OR (SAPO AND validation*)]. 130 studies were identified and 9 were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of this study suggest that the PAS/SAPO is necessary to measure angles and distances. It has a good interrater and intrarater reliability. Therefore, this software program can be considered a useful and reliable tool for measuring posture.
