Conference on Technology in Physical Activity and Sport. TAPAS 2020. 24th-27th November 2020

  • Israel Caraballo Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Cádiz, España
Keywords: Smartphone, Aptitud física, Estilo de vida, COVID-19, Tecnología, Aplicaciones, Gimnasio, Rendimiento, Biomarcadores, Cineantropometría, Medicina del deporte, Actividad física Smartphone, Physical fitness, Lifestyle, COVID-19, Technologies, Apps, Gym, Performance, Biomarkers, Kinanthropometry, Sport medicine, Physical activity Smartphone, Aptidão física, Estilo de vida, COVID-19, Tecnologias, Aplicativos, Academia, Desempenho, Biomarcadores, Cineantropometria, Medicina esportiva, Atividade física


Monograph on the use of technology in Physical Activity and Sport, linked to the 1st International Congress of Technology in Physical Activity and Sport, held on November 24-27, 2020, in Seville, Spain. The 28 best research papers presented at the Congress have been selected, and a blind peer review has been carried out to guarantee their quality. All of them deal with technology in the field of sports management, health, education and high performance in sports.

14 (2 Supl.1): S1-S9