1st International Virtual Congress “Exercise, Aging and Health”. The INTERMAE Proyect. Cadiz 13th-14th May 2021

  • David Jiménez-Pavón Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad de Cádiz, España
  • Ana Carbonell-Baeza Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Cádiz, España
  • Cristina Cadenas-Sánchez Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Cádiz, España
Keywords: Comportamiento sedentario, Envejecimiento, Ejercicio, Actividad física adaptada, Deporte, Calidad de vida, Estado de salud Sedentary behavior, Aging, Exercise, Adapted physical activity, Sport, Quality of life, Health status Comportamento sedentário, Envelhecimento, Exercício, Atividade física adaptada, Esporte, Qualidade de vida, Estado de saúde


Monographic on Exercise, Aging and Health, linked to the 1st Virtual International Congress "Exercise, Aging and Health", held on May 13-14, 2021, in Cádiz (Spain) within the framework of the INTERMAE project funded by the Regional Ministry for Health and Families Affairs, FEDER. The 40 best research papers presented at the Congress have been selected, and a blind peer review has been carried out to guarantee their quality. All of them address physical exercise as an emerging therapeutic strategy that can mitigate the health consequences of aging on molecular markers, the brain and physical condition.

14(2 Supl. 2): S1-S20