Effects of cold-water immersion on sensorimotor performance of sportsmen after muscle fatigue protocol
Objective: The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of cold-water immersion (CWI) on the sensorimotor performance of young athletes in response to local muscle fatigue.
Method: The present study had prospective experimental design and involved 36 university sportsmen who were divided into three groups: passive recovery group (PR), cryotherapy group at 5ºC (CI5º) and cryotherapy group at 10ºC (CI10º). All groups were submitted to a dominant lower limb fatigue protocol in an extension chair. Subsequently, the PR was kept at rest, while the other groups were immersed in cold-water at 5ºC and 10ºC, respectively, for 10 minutes. To assess sensorimotor performance, the Y balance test (YBT) was used, which was performed before and during 120 minutes after fatigue induction.
Results: Although the absolute results did not show significant differences between groups, in relative terms (%), the CI5º showed less sensorimotor performance than PR, which was more accentuated in the non-dominant limb. All groups achieved greater performance in the YBT after 120 minutes of recovery, when compared to the first moments of analysis (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In conclusion, postexercise CWI to 5ºC for 10 minutes resulted lower sensorimotor performance in YBT, compared to the PR method.