Causes of hamstring injury in soccer

A review from high-level youth academy to proffesional level

  • Hodei Jiménez-Sánchez
  • Bruno Bazuelo Ruiz Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Factores de riesgo, Biomecánica, Lesión previa, Cinemática, Lesión muscular Risk factors, Biomechanics, Previous injury, Kinematics, Muscle injury Fatores de risco, Biomecânica, Lesão anterior, Cinemática, Lesão muscular


Objectives: to identify the main causes of hamstring injury in the different training stages, from the under-12 stage to the professional stage, and to establish the influence of the previous hamstring injury as the main cause of suffering a new injury.

Method: the bibliographic search was carried out in Dialnet, Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus and SportDISCUS, between the dates of January 2010 to May 2020.

Results: the search concluded that the most frequent hamstring injury pattern is that of an elderly player, with higher strength values ​​and lower flexibility values, and a higher degree of pelvic anteversion. Aging, compensatory movements in fundamental motor patterns and other factors of the competition were presented as the main causes of injury in professional players.

Conclusions: previous injury, with the highest number of recorded cases of injury incidence, was established as the main risk factor for hamstring injury.
