Anthropometric characteristics of male rink hockey goalkeeper’s according to their competitive level

  • Tiago Sousa Research Unit for Sport and Physical Activity. Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education. University of Coimbra. Portugal.
  • João Valente-dos-Santos University of Coimbra. Research Unit for Sport and Physical Activity (CIDAF). Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education. Coimbra. Portugal. Lusofona University. Research Center in Sport. Physical Education and Exercise and Health (CIDEFES). Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Lisbon. Portugal.
  • Hugo Sarmento University of Coimbra. Research Unit for Sport and Physical Activity (CIDAF). Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education. Coimbra. Portugal.
  • João P. Duarte d. Research Unit for Sport and Physical Activity (uid/dtp/04213/2020). Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education. University of Coimbra. Portugal.
  • Adam Field Division of Sport and Exercise Sciences. University of Huddersfield. UK.
  • Vasco Vaz University of Coimbra. Research Unit for Sport and Physical Activity (CIDAF). Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education. Coimbra. Portugal.
Keywords: Antropometría, Adiposidad, Distribución Grasa Corporal, Espesor Pliegue Cutáneo Anthropometry, Adiposity, Body Fat Distribution, Skinfold thickness Antropometria, Adiposidade, Distribuição Gordura Corporal, Espessura da dobra cutânea


Objective: Evaluate the anthropometric characteristics of male rink hockey goalkeepers, and to compare the variation according to their competitive level (international vs. non-international).

Methods: Body mass, stature, sitting height, arm span, waist and hip circumferences and four skinfold measurements (triceps, medial calf, subscapular and supraspinale) of international (n = 12) and non-international (n = 23) goalkeepers were taken. Body mass index (BMI, weight/height2), the sum of four skinfolds, the sitting height/stature ratio, waist/hip ratio and the relative arm span were also calculated.

Results: International rink hockey goalkeepers have lower values of subcutaneous adiposity for the sum of the four skinfolds (P = 0.042; d = 0.76) particularly in the triceps (P = 0.016; d = 0.87) and are taller than non-international goalkeepers (+3.8 cm [2.2%]; 180.5 ± 7.0 vs. 176.6 ± 4.8 cm; t = 1.920; P = 0.064; d = 0.65).

Conclusion: The findings could indicate that stature and body fat may have important implications for scouts regarding the selection process and coaches that work with players on developing performance. Future research should investigate the extent to which different anthropometric measures influence performance in rink hockey goalkeepers.
