Relationship of the Special Wrestling Fitness Test with Aerobic Performance

Un estudio de caso

  • Tomás Herrera-Valenzuela School of Sports Sciences. Faculty of Health. University Santo Tomas. School of Sciences of Physical Activity, Sports and Health. Santiago of Chile University. Chile.
  • Daniela Cuadra School of Sciences of Physical Activity, Sports and Health. Santiago of Chile University. Chile.
  • Pablo Valdés-Badilla Physical Education Pedagogy, Faculty of Education. Autónoma of Chile University. Temuco. Chile.
  • Cristian Cofre-Bolados School of Sciences of Physical Activity, Sports and Health. Santiago of Chile University. Chile.
  • Carolina Pardo-Tamayo School of Sports Sciences. Faculty of Health. University Santo Tomas. Chile.
  • Alex Ojeda-Aravena Department of Sciences of Physical Activity. University of Los Lagos. Montt port. Chile. Faculty of Sports Sciences. Castilla-La Mancha University. Toledo. Spain.
  • Emerson Franchini Group of Studies and Research in Fights, Martial Arts and Combat Modalities. Department of Sport. School of Physical Education and Sport. University of Sao Paulo. Brazil.
Keywords: Deportes de combate, Prueba, Evaluación, Ejercicio intermitente de alta intensidad Combat sports, Test, Evaluation, High-intensitu intermittent exercise Esportes de combate, Teste, Avaliação, Exercício intermitente de alta intensidade


Objective: This study investigated the relationship of aerobic physiological variables of the Special Wrestling Fitness Test with the physiological variables measured in an incremental running test.

Methods: Eight cadet and junior athletes (male: 2; female: 6) of Olympic freestyle wrestling carried out the Special Wrestling Fitness Test, determining the number of throws, the test index and the peak oxygen consumption, heart rate, respiratory quotient and oxygen pulse. Additionally, the athletes performed a treadmill incremental test to determine the peak oxygen consumption, heart rate, respiratory quotient and oxygen pulse. Pearson's correlation coefficient (p <0.05) was used to establish the relationship between variables.

Results: A positive correlation was found between the final heart rate in the Special Wrestling Fitness Test and heart rate peak during the incremental test (r = 0.90; P = 0.002; 95%CI = 0.54-0.98), between heart rate during the Special Wrestling Fitness Test and heart rate peak during the incremental test (r = 0.81; P = 0.002; 95%CI = 0.53-0.98), and between oxygen consumption peak during the Special Wrestling Fitness Test and oxygen consumption peak during the incremental test (r = 0.93; P = 0.001; 95%IC = 0.67-0.99).

Conclusions: Physiological variables during the Special Wrestling Fitness Test are related to physiological response during an incremental test. Therefore, trainers could apply the Special Wrestling Fitness Test to monitor changes in aerobic performance as a result of training.
