Effects of caffeine supplementation on the production capacity of muscle strength

  • José Ignacio Álvarez Montero Department of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. University Alfonso X El Sabio. Madrid. Spain.
  • Fernando Mata Ordóñez NutriScience Spain.
  • Raúl Domínguez Herrera Faculty of Health Sciences. Isabel I University. Burgos. Spain.
Keywords: Ayudas ergogénicas, Entrenamiento de fuerza, Ejercicio de fuerza, Nutrición deportiva, Suplemento, Cafeína Ergogenic aids, Resistance training, Resistance exercise, Sports nutrition, Supplement, Caffeine Substâncias ergogênicas, Treinamento de força, Exercício de força, Nutrição esportiva, Suplemento, Cafeína


The use of certain supplements can enhance athletic performance, although the effectiveness of these is dependent on the demands imposed by the effort. Caffeine supplementation has proven effective, especially in patterns of cardiorespiratory endurance, however, they are less than the number of studies that have evaluated the effectiveness of this supplement on performance in muscle function. In order to assess the effect of caffeine supplementation on the production of muscle strength, it has made a search intervention bases Dialnet, Medline, PubMed and Web of Science data, in a period between 205 and 2015 and published in English, Spanish or Portuguese, which had evaluated the effects of this supplementation on strength performance. The results of the various investigations have shown that caffeine supplementation improves performance in the application of force and power with over 50% of one repetition maximum (1RM) loads as well as the number of repetitions with submaximal loads, especially, as the number of sets performed.
