The Pilates method is effective in the treatment for the therapeutic approach of the chronic low back pain. A systematic review

  • Francisco Javier Munuera Jiménez Faculty of Health Sciences. Jaen University. Jaen. Spain.
  • Vanesa Corral Moreno Faculty of Health Sciences. Jaen University. Jaen. Spain.
  • Esther Juárez Díaz Faculty of Health Sciences. Jaen University. Jaen. Spain.
  • Laura Cascos Vicente Faculty of Health Sciences. Jaen University. Jaen. Spain.
  • Daniel Rodríguez Almagro Department of Health Sciences. Jaen University. Jaen. Spain.
  • Esteban Obrero Gaitán Department of Health Sciences. Jaen University. Jaen. Spain.
  • Alfonso Javier Ibáñez Vera Department of Health Sciences. Jaen University. Jaen. Spain.
Keywords: Ejercicio terapéutico, Pilates, Dolor lumbar, Adultos, Tratamiento Therapeutic exercise, Pilates, Low back pain, Adult, Tratment Exercício terapêutico, Pilates, Dor lombar, Adultos, Tratamento


Objectives: To review the most current literature to verify the effectiveness of the Pilates method for the approach of the chronic low back pain regarding to its effectiveness, its duration and its dosimetry.

Methods: A bibliography search of clinical trials published in the last five years was carried out using the databases of Medline, Scopus and PEDro. Of the 257 studies found, ten were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and then assessed based on the methodological quality through the PEDro scale.

Results: The Pilates method reduces the symptoms associated with the chronic low back pain in the short term, it is not better than other active programs. Its application in machines seems to be more effective. Currently, there is no consensus regarding to its dosimetry and its effectiveness in the long term.

Conclusions: The Pilates method can be effective in the short term for the therapeutic approach of the chronic low back pain. In contrast, the effectiveness of the Pilates method has not shown to be better than other active exercise programs.
