Is training, a moderator of emotional reactions in confinement by COVID-19, in high-performance athletes?

  • José Carlos Jaenes Sánchez Pablo de Olavide University. Seville. Spain.
  • Pablo García González Pablo de Olavide University. Seville. Spain.
  • Jessica López González Health Psychologist. Seville. Spain.
  • Miriam Costa Agudo European University. Madrid. Spain.
  • Javier García Ordoñez Pablo de Olavide University. Seville. Spain.
  • Amir Hossein Mehrsafar Tehran University. Iran.
Keywords: COVID-19, Confinamiento, Emociones, Psicología, Deporte COVID-19, Confinement, Emotions, Psychology, Sport COVID-19, Confinamento, Psicologia, Emoções, Desporto


The current study is part of a wider research which aims to study the emotional reactions of Spanish athletes who compete at national and international level, as a consequence of the confinement condition evolved from the pandemic of COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2). Those athletes had to face the closure of Sport Centres, the interruption of competitions, and the postponement of sporting goals. The analysis of the data showed that athletes surveyed were able to accepted properly the reasons for confinement, had kept training to a large extent, and did not show extreme emotional reactions. These results suggest that training habits and the practiced discipline could have helped athletes deal with this extraordinary situation.

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