Sports injuries in opthalmology. A descriptive study in a tertiary hospital

  • Fernando Ly Yang Neuro-ophthalmology unit. Ophthalmology Service. Sanitary Research Institute of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital. Madrid. Spain.
  • Verónica Gómez-Calleja Neuro-ophthalmology unit. Ophthalmology Service. Sanitary Research Institute of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital. Madrid. Spain.
  • Pilar Pérez-García Neuro-ophthalmology unit. Ophthalmology Service. Sanitary Research Institute of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital. Madrid. Spain.
  • Javier Pascual-Prieto Neuro-ophthalmology unit. Ophthalmology Service. Sanitary Research Institute of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital. Madrid. Spain.
  • Enrique Santos-Bueso Neuro-ophthalmology unit. Ophthalmology Service. Sanitary Research Institute of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital. Madrid. Spain.
Keywords: Traumatismo ocular, Práctica deportiva, Fútbol, Urgencias, Iritis Eye injuries, Sports practice, Soccer, Emergencies, Iritis Lesões oculares, Prática esportiva, Futebol, Emergencias, Irite


Objective: The purpose of this article is to determine the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of ocular sports injuries in a tertiary hospital of Madrid.

Method: The study was based on a retrospective record of clinical data of patients who underwent clinical exploration after ocular sport injury between January 2015 and December 2017 in Clinic Hospital San Carlos.

Results: A total of 54 patients were recruited from which 47 (87.04%) were males. The mean age was 27.26 years ± 13.01 years Standard Deviation. The sport with the most frequent cause of ocular injury was soccer, followed by racket sports, fight sports and basketball. Traumatic iritis was the most frequent diagnosis, followed by periocular lesions, anterior segment lesions, conmotio retinae, rhegmatogenous lesions, orbital fracture and retinal detachment. Medical treatment solved 87.04% of the cases.

Conclusions: Most of the sports related to ocular injuries were minor cases and they could be solved with only medical treatment. More severe diagnosis must be investigated for more specific treatments, thought. Prevention strategies must be focused in higher risk groups.
