Comparisons of summer break effect on anthropometric profile, body composition and somatotype between adolescent swimmers and less active adolescents

  • Cesare Altavilla Foods Analysis and Nutrition Group. Department of Physical Education and Sport. University of Alicante. Spain.
  • Sergio Sellés-Pérez Department of Physical Education and Sport. University of Alicante. Spain.
  • Iris Comino-Comino Department of Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and History of Science. University of Alicante. Spain.
  • Jose Miguel Comeche-Guijarro Department of Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and History of Science. University of Alicante. Spain.
  • Pablo Caballero-Pérez Department of Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and History of Science. University of Alicante. Spain.
  • Jose Tuells Department of Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and History of Science. University of Alicante. Spain.
Keywords: Adolescentes, Nadadores, Grasa central, Ejercicios en seco, Antropometría, Pliegues cutáneos Adolescents, Swimmers, Central fat, Dry-land exercises, Anthropometry, Skinfolds Adolescentes, Nadadores, Gordura central, Exercício seco, Antropometria, Dobras cutâneas


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare changes in anthropometric profile, body composition, and somatotype of adolescent swimmers and less active adolescents.

Method: We selected 16 swimmers and 8 less active adolescents. The swimmers were divided based on the amount of swimming activity performed per week. A longitudinal study with repeated measures was carried out. The anthropometric profile, body composition, and somatotype were assessed before and after the summer break from swimming activity.

Results: Both groups of swimmers showed more changes in anthropometric profile, body composition, and somatotype than the less active adolescents. The very active swimmers showed a higher increase in the sum of the two central skinfolds than peripheral ones (p = 0.018). Both groups of swimmers had a great increase of the percent change in the sum of the two central skinfolds (medium active swimmers: p = 0.006, medium effect size = 0.72; very active swimmers: p = 0.001, medium effect size = 0.64).

Conclusions: The fat component seems to be more variable than the muscular and bone component during 55 – 65 days of summer break from swimming activity. The two groups of swimmers showed a preferential accumulation of central fat after the summer break compared to the less active adolescents. The suprailiac and abdominal skinfolds could be used as early predictive measurements to assess changes in body fat.
