ARISTO Functional Battery in Rhythmic Gymnastics

Protocol of specific tests for the evaluation of young gymnasts in a field of healthy training

  • M. Vernetta Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte, Departamento E.F. y Deportiva. Universidad de Granada, Granada, España. Grupo de Investigación CTS 171, Granada, España
  • I. Montosa Grupo de Investigación CTS 171, Granada, España
  • J. Beas-Jiménez Centro Andaluz Medicina del Deporte, Sevilla, España
  • J. López-Bedoya Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte, Departamento E.F. y Deportiva. Universidad de Granada, Granada, España. Grupo de Investigación CTS 171, Granada, España
Keywords: Gimasia rítmica, Tests específicos, Evaluación, Rendimiento, Selección de talentos Rhythmic gymnastics, Specific tests, Evaluation, Performance, Talent selection Ginastica rítmica, Testes específicos, Avaliação, Rendimento, Seleção de talentos



To present a battery of tests to evaluate specifically the different abilities implicit in the performance of the rhythmic gymnastic.


The test proposal has been based on a study of the motor profile of rhythmic gymnasts, as well as a theoretical review of existing tests in this sport and similar gymnastic specialties in order to cover all relevant abilities inherent in this modality. A pilot study was carried out in order to diagnose the viability of the test battery and it was agreed with the 11 partners of the European project in which this research is framed (“European Actions in the field of Sport”). Finally the audiovisual support of the protocol was configured.


A battery of 10 tests was obtained, each one of easy application and that do not require an excessive time of training for its development. Equally it supposes a minimum economic expense, since the material used is the one that is in the own training room. Its application will be enable to measure: balance, active flexibility, passive flexibility, agility, strength-resistance, coordination and explosive force.


The ARISTO rhythmic gymnastics protocol might be considered as a useful tool to facilitate the assessment of the quality of the training in young practitioners of this sport at European level.
