Clinical application of hypopressive exercises: a systematic review
Introduction: Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics is a method created in the 80s by Dr. Marcel Caufriez in the field of postpartum reeducation. There is little evidence about this technique, despite it is very popular nowadays.
Objective: to review the evidence published in the last five years about the effects of hypopressive abdominal exercises in clinical practice.
Method: a review of the scientific literature was carried out through a systematic research in the following scientific databases: PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, Science Direct, PEDro and Dialnet during February, 2020. Articles published in the last five years, and in English or Spanish, were included.
Results: 16 articles were selected. The studies analyzed evaluate the effect of hypopressive abdominals on the pelvic floor, abdomen, urinary incontinence, low back pain, scoliosis and metabolic factors.
Conclusions: hypopressive exercises can be used as a complementary method to the classical treatment of pelvic floor or abdominal muscle strengthening. The conclusions of this review should be taken with caution due to the limitations it presents, such as the poor quality of the articles analyzed.