Sports injury incidence and etiology in volleyball players

  • Mario Albaladejo-Saura Chair of Sports Traumatology. Doctoral Program San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia. Spain.
  • Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal Chair of Sports Traumatology. Faculty of Sports Catholic University of Murcia. Spain.
  • Noelia González-Gálvez Faculty of Sports Catholic University of Murcia. Spain.
  • Francisco Esparza-Ros Chair of Sports Traumatology. Catholic University of Murcia. Spain.
Keywords: Anatomía, Lesiones voleibol, Factores de riesgo, Ejercicio, Medicina del deporte Anatomy, Volleyball injuries, Risk factors, Exercise, Sports medicine Anatomia, Lesões voleibol, Fatores de risco, Exercício, Medicina esportiva


The aim of the study was to do a bibliographic review about the incidence of volleyball related injuries and its relation with sociodemographic and training variables. Twenty papers written in Spanish or English were analyzed, searched in PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge and SportDiscus. It was found that injuries are predominantly acute, highlighting lateral ankle sprains; anterior cruciate ligament injuries; dislocations, sprains and fractures of the fingers and wrist. Overuse injuries are related to shoulder tendinitis and instability; lumbar spondylolysis; and patellar tendinopathy. Most injuries occur during competition, in the front row positions. In conclusion, it has been observed that there is a highlighted incidence of ankle, knee, shoulder and finger injuries in volleyball. It has been found a close relation between these injuries, the specific position on the court and the game actions performed.
