Association between physical activity and quality of life in hematologic cancer survivors - Systematic Review

  • Bruno Alexandre Da Conceição Rodrigues Lusophon University of Humanities and Technologies. Interdisciplinary center for the study of Human Performance (CIPER). Portugal.
  • Catarina Ribeiro University of Coimbra. Faculty of Medicine. Portugal.
  • António Palmeira Lusophon University of Humanities and Technologies. Interdisciplinary center for the study of Human Performance (CIPER). Portugal.
Keywords: Cáncer de Hematológico, Actividad física, Ejercicio físico, Calidad de vida, Sobrevivientes Hematologic Cancer, Physical Activity, Physical Exercise, Quality of Life, Survivors Cancro Hematológico, Atividade física, Exercício Físico, Qualidade de Vida, Sobreviventes


Physical activity has a promising role in the management of collateral effects of hematologic cancers, which are tumors of hematopoietic or lymphoid tissues. In this sense, a systematic review was carried out to analyze the association between physical activity and quality of life in hematologic cancer survivors not under treatment. PsycINFO, SportDiscus and Pubmed databases were screened for randomized controlled trials, controlled clinical studies, and observational studies. We found 115 potentialy relevant studies, from which six were selected in total of 1502 participants (50.01% women, mean age of 60.8 years). The quality of the methods was considered weak. Despite the different methodological characteristics, there was a positive association between physical activity and quality of life and several domains. Aiming for consistent conclusions, further studies are needed.
