Anthropometric profile of sedentary women with and without hypothyroidism

  • Luan Morais Azevêdo Department of Physical Education. Federal University of Sergipe. Brazil
  • Manuella Fernandes de Oliveira Department of Physical Education. Federal University of Sergipe. Brazil
  • Aline da Silva Adães Motta dos Santos Department of Physical Education. Federal Institute of Sergipe. Aracaju. Brazil.
  • Márcio Rabelo Mota Faculty of Education and Health Sciences. University Center of Brasilia. Brazil.
  • Emerson Pardono Department of Physical Education. Federal University of Sergipe. Brazil
Keywords: Hipotiroidismo, Metabolismo, Ejercicio físico Hypothyroidism, Metabolism, Physical exercise Hipotireoidismo, Metabolismo, Exercício físico


Objective: To compare the anthropometric characteristics of sedentary women beginners in a physical exercise program in the gym, which had clinical diagnosis of hypothyroidism, with women who did not have hypothyroidism.
Methods: The sample consisted of eighty women aged between 23 and 45 years who started in a gym at an interval of two years and who had hypothyroidism and the control group, without this pathology, selected in a simple random way. Anthropometric measurements, such as body mass, height, body mass index, abdominal circumference and waist, and body fat percentage were performed. Student's t-test was applied for independent samples between groups and Pearson correlation within groups. The statistical significance adopted was p < 0.05.
Results: The group with hypothyroidism showed significant difference (p = 0.05) compared to control group for the body fat percentage just for women above 35 years, just like women with hypothyroidism above 35 years showed strong association of anthropometric variables with waist hip ratio (r ≥ 0.70).
Conclusion: Sedentary women, above 35 years and affected by hypothyroidism, showed greater association of anthropometric variables with the predisposition to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to their peers without the condition, and below this age range.