Analysis of the technical-tactical profile of "La Liga" teams 2017-2018: a multivariate approach

  • Iago Cambre Añon Federal University of Viçosa. Department of Physical Education, Nucleus of Research and Studies in Football. Minas Gerais. Brazil.
  • Alcides José Scaglia Campinas State University. Faculty of Applied Sciences, Laboratory Of Studies In Sports Pedagogy. Limeira. Brazil.
  • Cristiano Torezzan Campinas State University. Faculty of Applied Sciences. Operational Research Laboratory. Limeira. Brazil.
Keywords: Soccer, MAVT, Ranking, Teams Profile Futebol, MAVT, Ranking, Perfil de Clubes Fútbol, MAVT, Ranking, Perfil de Clubes


Objective: This study proposed the application of a multicriteria method for ordering and building of performance analysis attributes in soccer teams, thus enabling the understanding of their technical and tactical profiles.

Method: Data from thirty-four technical criteria from matches of the Spanish League between the 2013/2014 and 2017/2018 seasons were gathered. Following data collection, a mathematical method - named Multi-Attribute Value Theory - was used, enabling the acquisition of a single performance indicator. In addition to this indicator, six attributes were generated to compose the analysis and description of the teams’ style of play: Outcomes, Shots, Buildup Play, Ball Recovery, Goal Protection and Fouls.

Results: The team with the most points in the overall ordering was Barcelona, whereas it also displayed the highest indexes in attributes such as Results, Buildup Play and Fouls. As for the attributes Ball Recovery, and Goal Protection, the highest values were obtained by Atletico Madrid. Lastly, the highest values regarding the attribute Shots were obtained by Real Madrid.

Conclusion: The study was satisfactory, since the ordering obtained was related to the final league table, besides providing performance indicators that contribute to the analysis of the teams’ technical and tactical behavior.
