Effect of kinesio taping on calf pain after a half marathon: A pilot study

  • Rafael Merino-Marban Faculty of Educational Science. University of Malaga. Spain.
  • Iván Medina-Porqueres Faculty of Health Sciences. University of Malaga. Spain.
  • Beatriz López Aguilar Faculty of Educational Science. University of Malaga. Spain.
  • Daniel Mayorga-Vega Department of Physical Education and Sport. University of Granada. Spain.
Keywords: Kinesio tape, Mialgia, Trastorno muscular, Escala analógica de dolor, Carrera Kinesio tape, Myalgia, Muscle disorder, Analog pain scale, Running Kinesio taping, Dor muscular, Distúrbio muscular, Escala Analógica da Dor, Carreira


Objective: The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of kinesio taping on calf pain in healthy runners immediately after a half marathon.

Method: A sample of 13 runner volunteers was recruited in a half marathon. Calf pain measurements were taken at baseline and 10-15 minutes after competition. Kinesio tape was applied to the calf of runners the evening before the competition, only on one leg, with the contralateral leg acting as a control.

Results: The results of the repeated measures ANOVA in the leg differences on pain values did not show statistically significant differences (p = 0.515). However, the effect size after the race could be an indication that kinesio tape might be useful (g = - 0.37) and that studies with the sample calculated would be necessary (n = 61).

Conclusions: When kinesio tape was applied to healthy half marathon runners, the data did not disclose whether the tape could lead to control calf pain produced by the competition.
