Review on the hamstring muscle injury in sport
Risk factors and prevention strategies
Lesión isquiotibial, Factores de riesgo, Prevención Hamstring injury, Risk factors, Prevention Lesão nos isquiotibiais, Fatores de risco, Prevenção
Acute hamstrings injury is one of the most common in sport, presenting a high incidence and even a high recurrence rate. Both are often associated with the ineffectiveness of the strategies used to prevent the occurrence of this injury, because they do not take into cosideration, in many instances, the multifaceted nature of the injury. In addition, scientific evidence about the risk factors associated with hamstring injury is still low, limiting the development of appropriate prevention strategies. Based on the above, the aims of this review are: analyze the risk factors associated with this injury and, according to them, describe the strategies used to prevent injuries.