Hardy personality in sports

  • J.C. Jaenes Sánchez Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte. Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla. Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte de Andalucía. Sevilla. España.
Keywords: Personalidad resistente, Deporte, Maratón, Rendimiento deportivo, Personalidad Hardy personality, Sport, Marathon, Sport performance, Personality Personalidade forte, Esporte, Maratona, Desempenho esportivo, Personalidade


Hardy personality (HP) is a unique concept regarding different personality characteristics related with personal beliefs on control, commitment and challenge (CCC). This construct has been widely studied in relation to stress and its impact in health- and work-settings, among others. Nonetheless, it has been overlooked within the sports contexts. However, we understand that the characteristics included in such a construct are of great interest for the practice and performance of sports activities. The main purpose of this review has been to establish the characteristics of HP of a group of Spanish adult marathon runners. This study, a pioneer one up to now, has obtained results that allow us to know that the levels of CCC beliefs of these athletes are moderately high, and that they have a signifi cant impact both on motivational (established goals and expected outcomes) and performance (records obtained) aspects. They also can differentiate between marathon participants with the best and worse records, which helps us predict their success based on their HP characteristics. In addition, these athletes show higher levels of HP than the young and adult subjects of the general population.
