Anthropometric characteristics, physical fitness components and technical skills, a comparison between Brazilian and Portuguese young soccer players

  • Augusto Pedretti Graduate Program in Human Movement Sciences. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil.
  • Marcelo O Matta Training Center for Young Footballers. Juiz de Fora Federal University. Brazil.
  • Alessandro Pedretti Master in Physical Activity and Health. University of Porto. Portugal.
  • Francisco Z Werneck Laboratory of Studies and Research of Exercise and Sports. Federal University of Outro Preto. Brazil.
  • André FT Seabra Center for Research in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure. University of Porto. Portugal.
Keywords: Soccer, Physical fitness, Motor skills Fútbol, Aptitud física, Destreza motora Futebol, Aptidão física, Destreza motora


Objective: Compare physical and technical performances and anthropometric characteristics between Brazilian and Portuguese young soccer players.

Method: The participants were 281 Portuguese and 254 Brazilians from Under-15 and Under-17 categories. Measures were body weight and height, tests for strength, speed, agility, aerobic resistance, and a ball conduction drill as a motor skill test.

Results: Comparing Portuguese and Brazilian young soccer players from the same age, the European players presented a better anthropometric profile, physical fitness and motor skill than the Brazilians.

Conclusions: Our hypothesis that the regular transferences from Brazilian players to Europe could suggest similar performances between the two competitive levels was not supported by the evidences.
