Effects of altitude on physical growth in children and adolescents

  • M.A. Cossio-Bolaños Departamento de Ciencias del deporte. FEF. Unicamp. Brasil. Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas de la Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Córdoba. España.
  • M. de Arruda Departamento de Ciencias del deporte. FEF. Unicamp. Brasil.
  • V. Núñez Álvarez Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas de la Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Córdoba. España.
  • J.L. Lancho Alonso Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas de la Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Córdoba. España.
Keywords: Crecimiento, Hipobaria, Altitud, Niños y adolescentes Growth, Hypobaria, Altitude, Children and adolescents Crescimento, Hipobaria, Altitude, Crianças e adolescentes


Populations living at high altitudes have a slight delay in linear growth and a larger diameter and chest circumference of the inhabitants of regions near the sea level. These differences are attributed to the phenomenon of hypobaria, as well as socioeconomic, nutritional and environmental. The purpose of this review is to show the effects that altitude and summarize the research evaluating the impact in high altitudes on the physical growth variables. Consequently there are no standardized studies to assess physical growth in population in the process of growth, thus using as a standard studies of sea level (World Health Organisation and NCHS). Therefore, it is necessary to develop studies in populations of altitude using representative samples and can be generalized to this type of reality.
