Angular tests for estimating hamstring flexibility

Reliability and validity analysis

  • F. Ayala Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Universidad Católica San Antonio. Murcia. España
  • P. Sainz de Baranda Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha. España.
  • A. Cejudo Centro Deportivo INACUA-Murcia. Murcia. España.
  • F. Santonja Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Murcia.
Keywords: Reproducibilidad, Rango de movimiento, Prueba de exploración, Validez de criterio, Test angulares Reproducibility, Range of motion, Measurement tests, Criterion-related validity, Angular test Reprodutibilidade, Amplitude de movimento, Teste de exploração, Validade de critério, Testes de ângulo


The angular measurement tests are widely used to assess and monitor hamstring muscle flexibility in both clinic and scientific settings. Several angular measurement tests have been reported in the scientific literature, such as: a) straight leg raise test; b) knee extension test; and c) hip joint angle or sacrum angle test. Several limitations have been reported regarding the precision of these tests to asses hamstring flexibility, such as: the influence of pelvis and spine movements, the position of the ankle joint (plantarflexion vs. dorsi-flexion), the use of different cut off values, the magnitude of the strength and speed used to perform the tests, the warm-up design and the variability of the measurement tools used. The choice of either test will be based on: a) the functionality of assessing methodology; b) the relative and absolute reliability (intra and inter tester) and c) the validity for estimating hamstring flexibility. This knowledge will allow to select an appropriate angular test to categorize their athletes-patients (validity study) and to monitor the efficacy of the treatment performed (relative and absolute reliability study) for maintenance or improvement hamstring muscle flexibility. Therefore, the main purposes of this systematic review are to analyze and compare the reliability and validity of angular tests for estimating hamstring.
