Benefits of an exercise program multi-component of low intensity and short duration in myasthenia gravis

Case study

  • B. Fernández-Santos Pilates Spain S.L.U., Body Evolution Pilates Tampico, Madrid, España
  • J. de D. Beas-Jiménez Sección de Medicina Deportiva, Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte de Sevilla, Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Junta de Andalucía, España
Keywords: Promoción de la salud, Ejercicio aeróbico, Entrenamiento de fuerza, Ejercicios flexibilidad, Miastenia gravis Health promotion, Aerobic exercise, Resistance training, Muscle stretching exercises, Myasthenia gravis Promoção da saúde, Exercício aeróbico, Treinamento de força, Exercícios de flexibilidade, Miastenia gravis


We report a clinical case of a patient with Myasthenia Gravis (MG), subject to a multi-component exercise program, low-intensity, two weekly sessions, during four weeks, consisting of Pilates floor, resistance and flexibility training. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of this program on functional capacity and perceived health status of the patient. Before and after program implementation functional tests were performed and the SF-36® questionnaire for assessment of perceived health status was filled in.

improvements were observed in all the tests used for assessing the aerobic capacity, the resistance and the perceived health status.


An individualized exercise program of short duration, and low intensity, may improve functional capacity and perceived health status in patients with MG.

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