Grade I inversion ankle sprain causing paresia of the common peroneal nerve. Case report

  • Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia Unidad de Traumatología, Hospital FREMAP, Sevilla, España
  • G.Á. Sobrá-Hidalgo Unidad de Traumatología, Hospital FREMAP, Sevilla, España
Keywords: Nervio peroneo común, Esguince de tobillo, Paresia, Parálisis Common peroneal nerve, Ankle sprain, Paresia, Palsy Nervo fibular comum, Entorse de tornozelo, Paresia, Paralisia


Inversion ankle sprains are common in population and the most usual injurie in the sports. Eventually ankle sprains can cause a common peroneal nerve neuropathy via traction mechanism over the superficial peroneal nerve. Case of a 37 year old man who suffered a minor ankle sprain during sport activity followed by common peroneal nerve paresia. This neuropathy was confirmed through ultrasonography and electrodiagnostic evaluation. Paresia solved with conservative treatment and electrostimulation. In spite of the uncommon presentation of common peroneal nerve injury after an inversion ankle sprain, it is important to know the association between both pathologies. Physician may evaluate the function of this nerve in all patients with minor severe ankle sprain in the first and later medical examination.

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