Immediate effect of Dynamic Tape ® on external torsion tibial clinically painful in a football player. A case report

  • B. de la Cruz Torres Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidad de Sevilla , Sevilla, España
  • M. Albornoz Cabello Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidad de Sevilla , Sevilla, España
  • L. Espejo Antúnez Departamento de Terapéutica Médico-Quirúrgica, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, España
Keywords: Fisioterapia, Dynamic Tape ®, Fútbol, Torsión tibial Physical therapy, Dynamic Tape ®, Football, Tibial torsion Fisioterapia, Dynamic Tape ®, Futebol, Torsão tibial


The aim of the study was to evaluate the immediate effect of Dynamic Tape ® bandage on the external tibial torsion, clinically painful, and the contractile properties of the superficial muscles involved in a soccer player. The subject presented external tibial torsion with painful symptoms in the right lower extremity. Thigh-foot angle and the contractile properties of the superficial musculature by tensiomyography in both legs and perceived pain were measured. Dynamic Tape ® bandage was applied for 10 days. A decrease in the thigh-foot angle of the right lower extremity and a 55% reduction in pain knee was observed. The stressed muscle showed a reduction of muscle activation while the weakened muscles increased muscle activation. In conclusion, in the case studied, the Dynamic Tape ® can be considered a very effective complementary therapeutic tool to reduce external tibial torsion, clinically painful.

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