Upper-extremity massive deep venous thrombosis due to middle third clavicle fracture

A clinical case

  • Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia Servicio de Traumatología y Urgencias Traumatológicas, Hospital FREMAP Sevilla, Sevilla, España
  • G.Á. Sobrá-Hidalgo Servicio de Traumatología y Urgencias Traumatológicas, Hospital FREMAP Sevilla, Sevilla, España
Keywords: Trombosis venosa profunda, Extremidad superior, Fractura de clavícula Deep venous thrombosis, Upper limb, Clavicle fracture Trombose venosa profunda, Extremidade superior, Fractura de clavícula



Deep venous thrombosis of the upper-extremity is an uncommon pathology and it is associated with the use of central venous catheters, coagulopathy, oral contraception, neoplasia, cervical rib or scalenus syndrome, clavicle fractures or weight lifting.


53 years-old- man who suffered from axillary, cephalic and basilar thrombosis after a three days injury with middle third clavicle fracture treated initially with a figure-of-8 brace.


Both venous thrombosis and clavicle fracture solved respectively with Tinzaparin sodium and Physiotherapy, consolidating the broken clavicle and with a recanalization of thrombosed veins.


Few cases of axillary or subclavian thrombosis associated to clavicle fractures have been reported. It is very uncommon extended thrombosis affecting more than one vein after trauma or brace pressure as shown in this case report.

Casos Clínicos