Physical therapy in abdominal diastasis. Review of reviews.

  • Judit Lorenzo Gil Universidade de Vigo
  • Alejandra Alonso Calvete
  • Iria Da Cuña Carrera
  • Miguel Fernández Paz Servicio Gallego de Salud (SERGAS)
  • Lorena Núñez Remiseiro
Keywords: diástasis muscular; músculos abdominales; fisioterapia; mujeres. Keywords: muscle diastasis; abdominal muscles, physical therapy; women diástase muscular; músculos abdominais, fisioterapia; mulheres



Abdominal diastasis is an increase in the interrectus abdominis distance in the linea alba. This separation may be accompanied by reduced abdominal muscle strength and endurance, musculoskeletal problems, negative body self-perception, pelvic floor dysfunctions, and reduced quality of life.

Physiotherapy is considered the first line of conservative approach in the management of abdominal diastasis, so it is proposed to analyze the available evidence on these approaches and thus determine the best intervention.

The studies selected in the literature search develop different physiotherapy interventions to reduce interrectal distance: exercise protocols, abdominal neuromuscular electrostimulation, external physical abdominal supports or training of the pelvic floor muscles.

It is unknown which is the best physical therapy approach for the management of abdominal diastasis, although exercise programs produce direct musculoskeletal and psychological benefits.
