Conclusions of the XI Conference of the Aviles Group on Sports Medicine, October 3 and 4, 2022 (Barcelona)

  • Carmen Vaz-Pardal Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte (CAMD), España
  • Julián Álvarez-García Centro de Tecnificación Deportiva de Alicante, Alicante, España
  • Montse Bellver-Vives Centro de Alto Rendimiento de Sant Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, España
  • Leonor Berlanga-Navarro Centro Regional de Medicina Deportiva de Cantabria, Santander, España
  • Daniel Brotons-Cuixart Consell Català de l'Esport, Barcelona, España
  • Pablo Gasque-Celma Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas, Madrid, España
  • Fernando Gutierrez-Ortega Comisión Española para la Lucha Antidopaje en el Deporte (CELAD), España
  • Enrique Lizalde-Gil Comisión Española para la Lucha Antidopaje en el Deporte (CELAD), España
  • Jesús López-Peral Centro de Medicina Deportiva de la Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, España
  • Santiago Perote Suarez-Rivero Centro Galego de Tecnificación Deportiva (CGTD)
  • Fernando Salom-Portella Consell Insular de Menorca, España
  • Juan Carlos Tébar-Rodrigo Ayuntamiento de Rivas, Madrid, España
  • Nicolás Terrados-Cepeda Unidad Regional de Medicina Deportiva del Principado de Asturias
  • Jose Luis Terreros-Blanco Comisión Española para la Lucha Antidopaje en el Deporte (CELAD), España
  • Carmen Arnaudas-Roy Comisión Española para la Lucha Antidopaje en el Deporte (CELAD), España
Keywords: Muerte Súbita, Arritmias, Deporte, Salud Mental, SARS-CoV-2, Prevención, Diversidad Sexual, Especialidad MIR Sudden Death, Arrhythmias, Sports, Mental Health, Sexual Diversity, MIR Specialty, SARS-CoV-2, Prevention Morte Súbita, Arritmias, Esporte, SARS Cov-2, Prevenção, Saúde Mental, Diversidade Sexual, Especialidade MIR


The Avilés Working Group was promoted by the National Sports Council in 2009 and is made up of representatives of Physical Education and Sports Medicine Centers of all the autonomous communities that have these infrastructures, Sports Technification Centers, municipal Sports Medicine Centers and the Spanish Agency for Health Protection in Sport. The objectives of this working group include the coordination between these autonomous structures of Sports Medicine, the proposal of common solutions to the different problems suffered by each of the centers and to be an advisory group in the different areas of the Physical Education and Sports Medicine, for the National Sports Council.
This working group meets periodically; at its last online meeting, held in Barcelona on October 3-4, 2022, a series of conclusions were agreed in relation to sudden death and arrytmias in sport, SARS Cov-2, prevention, mental health, sexual diversity and the MIR specialty.

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