Diagnosis and treatment of distal biceps femoris tendon enthesopathy in a professional runner
Rodilla, Entesopatía, Tendón distal del bíceps crural, Nervio ciático poplíteo externo Knee, Enthesopathy, Biceps femoris tendon, Peroneal nerve Joelho, Entesopatia, Tendão distal do bíceps crural, Nervo ciático poplíteo externo
Objective: to describe the diagnostic and treatment strategies for distal biceps femoris tendon enthesopathy, in a professional runner.
Method: The diagnosis was based on clinical and complementary studies. The surgical technique, postoperative management and assessment, are described.
Results: Histological study confirmed the diagnosis and the clinical outcome was satisfactory, with complete recovery after surgical management.
Conclusion: there is only one published study assessing distal biceps femoris tendon enthesopathy. The possible involvement of the peroneal nerve has not been previously considered. If conservative treatment only provides temporary relief of symptoms, then surgery can be indicated.