Forensic and Psychological intervention in an elite athlete with associate psychopathology
This paper presents a case study in which an elite athlete developed a sports-associated psychopathology, interfering with his athletic career. After receiving medals in a top competition, the subject entered into an unusual state of anxiety, depression, nervousness, and apathy and he completely stopped his training for five months. During this time, he neglected ADAMS system controls, and was quoted by WADA to make legal arguments in his defense. He was diagnosed, with Relapsing Serious Depressive Disorder (269.3x, DSM-IV-TR, 2002) and a GAF between 45 and 50, and a Burnout Syndrome. An intervention was implemented over a five month period in the form of weekly sessions. It was based on Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP); Teaching effective use of well-adapted coping strategies and Social support. After hearing Sport Psychologist allegations by consensus, allowing him to compete.