Validity and reliability ARISTO functional battery in rhythmic gymnastics (AFBRG) applied to advance level adolescents gymnast

  • Isabel Montosa Mirón Doctor in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Research Group “Analysis and evaluation of physical-sports activity” CTS 171. University of Granada, Spain
Keywords: Evaluación, Validez, Gimnasia rítmica, Condición física Evaluation, Validity, Rhythmic gymnastics, Physical fitness Avaliação, Validade, Ginástica rítmica, Condição física


Objetive: Rhythmic gymnastics involves the performance of a large number of motor skills that require specific abilities. The objective was to determine the test-retest validity and reliability of the 10 tests that make up the Aristo Functional Battery in Rhythmic Gymnastics (AFBRG ).

Method: 51 advanced level gymnasts aged between 12 and 19 years participated. The content validity ratio was used to calculate the Content Validity Index (IVC) of the global battery evaluated by 16 experts. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was applied for inter-rater reliability and test-retest reliability with an interval of seven days. If the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity were not met, the Bland and Altman method was chosen to estimate reliability.

Results: The results show the validity of the AFBRG with a high global CVI of 0.81. The inter-rater reliability is high, presenting values ​​greater than 0.99 in all tests. The ICC indicates very good reproducibility (> 0.90) in the tests “Anteroposterior right split”, “Right and left leg front raise and hold”, Split bridge, “Stride (dynamic flexibility)” and double jumps. camber. Likewise, the presence of concordance was presumed through the Bland and Altman method, in the "Split anterior posterior to left" tests.

Conclusion: The validity and reliability calculations confirm that six tests (two bilateral) of the preliminary AFBRG are adequate for the assessment of the specific physical condition in gymnasts of these ages.

