Effects of the physical exercise program, in elderly public outdoor gyms, on body composition and functional capacity of the old men

  • De Angelys de Ceselles Seixas da Silva Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
  • Belmiro Freitas de Salles Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
  • Gilmar Weber Senna Postgraduate Program in Nursing and Bioscience. Doctorate of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
  • Hélio Lemos Furtado University Castelo Branco. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
  • Roberto Simão Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
Keywords: Aptitud física, Envejecimiento, Promoción de la salud Physical fitness, Aging, Health promotion Aptidão física, Envelhecimento, Promoção da saúde


Objective: Evaluate the effects of the physical exercise program, proposed in elderly public outdoor gyms, on the body composition and functional capacity of the old men.

Method: Fifty-four elderly men (67.7 ± 5.7 years; 1.7 ± 0.1 m; 75.1 ± 12.2 kg; 27.2 ± 4.3 kg.m2) participated in the present study without any cognitive dysfunctions, musculoskeletal disorders, or against medical indication. The experimental intervention (12 weeks) consisted of proprioceptive exercises, stretching and circuit training, one hour and twice-weekly of frequency.

Results: Wilcoxon's test found significant differences in body mass index (p = 0.007), abdominal circumference (p = 0.001), upper limb strength (0.00007), upper limb flexibility (p = 0.0015) and lower limbs flexibility (P = 0.0019).

Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that the exercise program in elderly public gyms promotes the maintenance or improvement of body composition and functional capacity, serving as a basis for public policies, to develop and maintain the physical exercise program for elderly.
