Emotional state influence on performance: Experimental study

  • Pablo José Borges Hernández Department of Physical Education, Sport and Human Motricity. Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain.
  • Roberto Ruíz-Barquin Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education. Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain.
  • Ricardo de la Vega Marcos Department of Physical Education, Sport and Human Motricity. Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain.
Keywords: POMS-VIC, Estado emocional, Rendimiento, Psicología del deporte POMS-VIC, Emotional state, Performance, Sport psychology POMS-VIC, Estado Emocional, Desempenho, Psicologia do esporte


Objective: The aim of this study is to experimentally determine the influence of the emotional state and the emotional manipulation in sports performance.

Method: 126 college athletes (Mage = 22.79; DT = 4.46), 54 women (42.86%) y 7.78 year of sports experience (DT = 3.20), participated in this study, which measured optimism (LOT-R) and emotional state (POMS-VIC) before and after performing an experimental test using digital manual dynamometer TKK-5401.

Results: Considering the different groups (gender, experience, level, optimism and experimental group), it emphasizes the non-appearance of significant differences (pre-post).

Conclusions: Results have shown both the emotional state and the effective manipulations modify the performance slightly negative emotional manipulations significantly increase the yield obtained in the task.
