Relative age effect on elite men’s futsal according to region and playing position: A study of the FIFA Futsal World Cup Lithuania 2021

  • Henrique de Oliveira Castro Federal University of Mato Grosso
  • Lucas Savassi Figueiredo Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Lucas De Castro Ribeiro Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Vivian de Oliveira University Center IESB
  • Samuel da Silva Aguiar University Center UDF
  • Sérgio Adriano Gomes University Center UNICEUB
Keywords: Efecto Edad, Deportes, Deportes de Equipo, Registro de Nacimiento, Rendimiento Atlético Age Effect, Sports, Team Sports, Birth Registration, Athletic Performance Efeito idade, Esportes, Esportes de Equipe, Registro de Nascimento, Desempenho atlético


Objective: To investigate the existence of relative age effect (RAE) in male futsal athletes that participated in the “FIFA Futsal World Cup Lithuania 2021”, according to region and playing position.

Methods: The birthdates of 384 male futsal athletes participating in the competition were collected from official websites. Players were divided according to their continents and playing positions, and the chi-square goodness-of-fit tests (χ2) were performed to compare the expected and the observed birthdate absolute distributions for each group. Also, specific effect sizes (⍵) were calculated for each of the chi-square tests performed. Additionally, Odds Ratio (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for the first and the last quarters of the year, as for semesters.

Results: The overall analysis of the athletes indicated no presence of RAE in this sample, since an even distribution of birthdates was found (χ2 = 5.949; p = 0.114; ω = 0.124). The regions analysed also indicated no presence of RAE. When playing positions were considered, once again analyses indicated no RAE to elite international futsal athletes, since no differences were found between the observed and expected birthdate distributions.

Conclusion: RAE is not prevalent on the international male elite futsal context. This effect was not associated with region or playing positions.
