Using near-infrared spectroscopy technology for measuring muscle oxygen saturation in sport

  • C D Gómez-Carmona Training Optimization and Sports Performance Group (GOERD). School of Sports Sciences. University of Extremadura. Cáceres. Spain.
  • A Bastida-Castillo Department of Physical Activity and Sports. School of Sports Sciences. University of Murcia. San Javier. Spain.
  • J Pino-Ortega Department of Physical Activity and Sports. School of Sports Sciences. University of Murcia. San Javier. Spain.
Keywords: NIRS, Saturación de Oxígeno Muscular, Resistencia, Fuerza, Programsa Entrenamiento, Monitorización NIRS, Muscle oxygensaturation, endurance, Strength, Training program, Monitoring NIRS, saturação de oxigênio muscular, resistência, Força, Programas de treinamento, Monitoramento


The objective of this research was to review the operation of near-infrared spectroscopy and its different applications in the sports field, such as: the description of oxidative requirements through its monitoring in both resistance and strength contexts and the evaluation of its application in training programs. A bibliographic search was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, in which a total of 38 original research articles were obtained after exclusion of articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria. The resulting data that were extracted from the included studies were data of the participants, parameters of the training program or exercise, the muscles evaluated, the device and method of evaluation and the main results.
